Ali Fayazbakhsh
PHD, MS, P.Eng
Sr. Mechanical Engineer
Areas of Expertise
British Columbia
Dr. Ali Fayazbakhsh is a Senior Mechanical Engineer with over 10 years of engineering design and project management experience. He specializes in the design of HVAC systems for commercial and residential buildings, electric vehicles, freezer rooms, green houses, refrigerated trucks and smart homes. He also has engineering experience in designing mechanical equipment such as pressure vessels, storage tanks, compressors, and pumps. He has extensive knowledge of over two-dozen software programs, 3D simulation tools, and programming languages. At Jensen Hughes, Ali provides damage assessment and failure analysis following incidents involving sophisticated mechanical systems and design consulting for fire suppression and life safety systems.
Education / Certifications
- Doctorate, Mechatronic Sytems, Simon Fraser University
- MS, Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University
- BS, Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University
- BA, Simon Fraser University
- Registered P.Eng, BC, SK